...well, that's not entirely true. I am loathe to admit I did have a brief stint of an online presence years ago when Xanga and LiveJournal reached the height of their popularity thanks to droves of melodramatic adolescents. But as far as anything legitimate is concerned, this is my premiere. In a way, it's kind of funny that I've waited til now. I mean, I've been writing practically my whole life (I've kept a journal since I was five years old and did a lot of creative writing and journalism in college) and it's something I genuinely love to do. But until now I could never really find my niche, and I couldn't justify randomly starting a blog purely for the sake of publishing my random anecdotes. I needed at least some sort of premise to make it worthwhile. Well, by George, I think I've (finally) got it!
It would be a gross oversight to not give my good friend Kayla at least some of the credit for my internet debut. After all, I have followed her blog religiously for the past year, and for those of you who don't read it... you should!
Kayla is fantastic. Okay, admittedly I'm a little biased, but really, she is. For starters, this is the girl that introduced me to Pinterest (...an act worthy of high praise. That site is, hands down, the best one on the internet. Sorry, Facebook). She's also fostered my growing love of all things crafts for the past year, between introducing me to some incredible and addictive blogs and generously letting me free-load on her impressive amount of craft supplies whenever we find time to do a project here and there.
I'm still new to crafting, relatively speaking. I'm sad to say, my number of Pinterest Pins far exceeds the number of completed projects in my repertoire. But.....here's the good news: I am less than twenty-four hours away from the completion of my first year of medical school and the beginning of my last summer ever! Never have I anticipated a summer break more than this one, probably because of all the wonderful things I plan to spend it doing! Oh yes, a Summer 2012 Bucket List is definitely in the works. And that, my friends, is where this nifty new blog comes in. In similar fashion to my med school cohort, I will be using this blog to document all of my projects... and maybe to share the occasional anecdote, too.
So there you have it, a succinct primer on why this blog exists. I'm off to revisit the mountain of renal pathophysiology notes that will be holding me captive just a bit longer. But I promise to return soon, with ModPodge in hand and something creative to show for it!
1 comment:
Wooo! Yay for new blog! :)
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